Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

puput dan lagu danger ranger - with you .

Salah satu lagu dari band indie Bandung yang bernama DANGER RANGER, judul lagu ini WITH YOU dan lagu ini berhasil membuat gue "ketergantungan" dan lagu ini memberikan efeksamping yang susah banget buat gue jauhin.
setiap kali gue denger lagu itu, gue selalu ngebayangin lagi duduk di atas bangku kayu tua di bawah langit malam bersama *ehem pasangan gue nanti, dia maenin gitar sambil nyanyi bareng lagu itu sama gue ..
haha *ngehanyal apaan gue* oke itu khayalan yang kejauhan, tapi setidaknya gue pengen nyanyi berdua sama seseorang yang gue suka *gue harap itu dia* hiihii.. 

nih lirik lagunya


Tonight I think about you girl
And I wake and I wake up in the middle of the night
You appear in my dream
And it feels so real
When I'm holding on your arms, oh
I'll never let you go
I'm trying to fix this feeling
Till the end of my day
And I know that youll never know
That I'm here on your side
That I'm here being your guide
How could you got me crazy
Girl, how could you let me into your heart, ohh
And just let it go
Go on and let it go
I wish I could be honest when I'm there with you
I wish I started my life with you
Please just make it true
I'll never let anyone make you sad
Though you, you thought me bad
And let me regret of you
You thought me bad and let me regret of you
With you
Together we can make it true
With you
We got to believe though well never know
With you…
I'll pick you up
And take you all the night
Try to be your guard
Who makes you feel alright
Try to be your guard
Who makes you feel alright..

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